Fred and I went for a pre-thunderstorm walk in Viterbo the other day that turned into a thunderstorm walk. We ran for refuge into a restaurant that wasn’t to open for dinner for several hours. They offered us a drink, and, not wanting to be rude, we accepted. : )
They brought us an amazing glass of very cold white wine and a great beer for Fred, and then grilled bread drizzled with olive oil and salt. It was great to be inside while the storm raged outside. BIG lightning, too. I was concerned the boys might be worried about us but I had left the phone at home so there was not much I could do. In fact, the power did go out in our apartment while we were gone. But they were fine.
There was music back in the kitchen for the cook while she (yes, a lot of the kitchen people seem to be women now) pounded the hell out of what I hope was already dead. Then the guy up front with us put Bruce Springsteen on. Thunder Road. My favorite. I have to believe it was for us.
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